Literature and Light: Vogel Street Party 2015

By Vogel Street Party | Posted:

The date has been set for the return of the popular Vogel Street Party and preparations are well underway for the event that will be held on Saturday 10th October.

The inaugural Vogel Street Party was held last year in conjunction with the first ever Dunedin Street Art Festival; this year's event will again be staged in the warehouse precinct and will collaborate with the Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature group for a party themed around Literature and Light.

"10,000 people attended last year and exceeded our expectations,” says organiser Dr Glen Hazelton, DCC Urban Designer for the Dunedin City Council. “We were so happy to see such a wide range of ages and interests enjoying the diverse activities on offer.  Where last year’s party was based around the theme of street art, we’ve selected the theme of light and literature this year, reflecting the fact it is the UNESCO Year of Light and to celebrate Dunedin’s new City of Literature Status.”

Liz Knowles, Dunedin’s City of Literature Bid Coordinator is working with the organisers developing an exciting programme of activities. “It will be inspiring to see our streets ablaze with literature and light; lifting our spirits, enlightening our minds, warming our hearts and feeding the soul. It is a fitting tribute considering the area's past rich literary history - the artistic vibe of the warehouse precinct and Dunedin city is alive and well and looking forward to the future.”

The theme of Literature and Light is an ideal platform to showcase Dunedin’s talented artistic and literary communities. Organisers are encouraging artists and performers who are interested in presenting works related to the theme of light and word to submit their ideas and become involved in this unique community event.

Glen says "We are particularly looking for colourful entertainment and creative goings-on that will appeal to people of all ages; interactive activities will be held throughout the day to encourage use of the area and will highlight the important heritage revitalisation taking place in the Warehouse Precinct."

If you are interested, please contact:

The Festival Facebook page will be kept up to date with details of developments and entertainment, as the party draws nearer.

We look forward to seeing you at the party!

© Copyright Dunedin City of Literature