St Bernadette’s and the bees

By St Bernadette's | Posted:

We are in the Manuka Hub and the bees keep coming into this poem.

We are talking about how we love making new friends and showing them
around school and the bees keep coming into this poem.

We are taking about rugby and touch with captains and random teams. We are
talking about making big squishy tissue things or something with cardboard
and drawing funny emoji faces. We are talking about maths because it's easy
and the bees keep coming into this poem.

At lunch club we can make anything really. Bracelets and masks. Sometimes we
draw our own pictures. Sometimes we colour mindfully. Sometimes we draw
inside the lines our teacher makes.

Sometimes we read chapter books about animals and monsters. Cats and dogs
and we dance to the fox but not to the bees.

We like racing to the playground. It's the kind of race where you have to win.
When we're climbing trees we can see things and hide. We can see the bees
near the bushes. We can see the bees in the clover. We draw our paper swords
from our paper sword holders. Lots of people have been stung by the bees so
we play in other places. We don't go near the bees any more. We can see the
bees in this poem.

By all the Room 4 people and some of Room 5
St Bernadette's School

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